Yasan Services

Engineering Design
This unit, utilizing expert experts with up-to-date technical knowledge and relevant experience, in addition to providing technical consulting services using the latest software, designs and presents all basic and detailed engineering documents in accordance with the latest standards.

Procurement of equipment P (Procurement)
One of the most important parts of EPC projects for power substations is the supply of equipment, and any disruption in the implementation of this process will cause problems in the implementation of the project and delay its delivery. The purchasing and procurement process includes: planning, purchasing engineering, identifying resources and selecting the best domestic and foreign suppliers, product control and monitoring, testing and final delivery. It should be noted that some of the substation equipment is supplied in the Yasan Company factory.

Implementation management C (Construction)
In addition to the usual time and financial constraints, installation and implementation of projects involves many technical and contractual complexities, and these factors create limitations in the ability to present and implement creative and innovative decision-making methods. Therefore, the implementation process requires high-level management and engineering capabilities, given the complexity and large volume of activities.